9:03 PM

Xi'an Camp Update (2) - Adoptive Family Volunteers!

Like a refreshing summer rain storm, week two of camp has come and gone in Xi'an.

We were yet again blessed with a group of volunteers from all over the world. The Knipe family of Florida were especially excited to spend the week with children from their adopted daughter's orphanage!

A six year old boy named Wei Wei grabbed all of our hearts. He was blind and very small, but reminded us that no child is insignificant.

We're grateful for another fantastic week! Thank you for lifting us up!

With love,
The Xi'an team


Jeff Knipe said...

We loved volunteering at the camp! It was very well organized and our kids had a blast loving on the orphans! Thank you for making a difference. The Knipes

Jeff Knipe said...

We loved volunteering at the camp. It was very well organized and our kids had a blast loving on the orphans! Thanks for making a difference. The Knipes