We've been looking forward to this concert for months, and it was well worth the wait. Hearing great music and seeing hundreds of people hear about the orphans in China was awesome! We were all wearing lots of different hats throughout the entire day to pull the event off. From prepping Phil's greenroom to putting flyers on people's seats to driving around an hour before the show to put up more signs...Once the majority of the pre-concert hustle and bustle calmed a bit, it was really fun to talk to people (and mostly each other as we waited).
Here's David introducing Phil Wickham...
Phil leading us in worship. He did a fantastic job keeping the focus on the Lord!!
From backstage.
David sharing his experiences with the orphans. He did a great job! It's hard to believe the night earlier we were all roasting soft pretzels on a bonfire. :)
The Adopted Children's Choir did a wonderful job that night...
Here's Phil, David and the kids from the Choir...
Catching up with good friends...
Thanks everyone who came out to the event, and for everyone else who supported it!!