David, Christy, & I were excited to return home on Sunday, but we had an amazing time in Australia!
Our Speaking Tour could not have gone better! Our friends, the Vidler's, arranged a very full schedule for us and as a result hundreds of people heard about the orphans in China and God's heart for them.
We spoke on the radio, at churches (sometimes 5 or 6 a day!), small groups, special teas and dinners, a large fundraiser dinner, and were featured in the newspaper. And the people there were very receptive to our message; many of them wanted to get involved after hearing about the orphans in China!
One women, Sarah-Jayne, collected items for our fundraiser dinner told us that being involved with Bring Me Hope had changed her life forever! We hope to see more people like Sarah-Jayne moved to help the orphans in China.
Thanks for all your prayers and support!
All for His glory,
Kristen (for the team)
Christy speaking at a school.

Sam Vidler sharing his family's story of moving to China.

David speaking at a morning brunch and our Fundraiser Dinner.